
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 20:49:47
在村夜这首歌中.景中有情是本诗的一大特点,请具体分析拜托了各位 谢谢 1.Please _____ music carefully.Ok!But I can't _____ anything.A.hear,listen to B.listen to,hear C.listen,hear D.listen to,hear of2.We don't have pens____.A.to write B.writing C.to write with D.writing with Uncle John has no child and he can\'t see anything. ( )carefully or you can t( ) anything,填关于听的 her favourite dringk is coffee为什么用her不用she和she,s She wears pretty dresses.Purple is her favourite coloul.She loves to wear purple dresses very much. 15个连续奇数的和为1995,其中最小的奇数是多少 高二英语选择问题1.Mary's parents wouldn't allow her to go to a movie,but she still ________.A.hopes for B.hopes to C.hopes not D.hopes so2.________ announcement of the mayor's retirement came as ________ complete shock to all of I didn't buy anything special from Malaysia同义句I 空 空 special from Malaysia 一道高二英语选择题目--I saw no more than one copy of Harry Potter VII in that bookstore.Will you go and buy____?--All right,I'LL go there after school.A,thoseb,itc,oned,this说明理由,谢谢其他答案的用法呢 了解水浒剧情的进!武松为什么血溅鸳鸯楼武松杀了奸夫淫妇,潘金莲和西门庆,还有王婆,去了牢城,然后那个县官看着武松身膀强,就有意免了杀威棒,然后武松帮助县官闹了快活林.之后呢 怎么 《水浒传》中,武松临走前,写了什么字? 中英翻译:你大声说,这样我们可以听的很清楚.Speak loudly___________we may___________. 证明:存在n个不同正整数使得其中任意两个不同的数a,b都满足(a-b)^2整除ab. 证明:一个正整数的奇数位数字之和与偶数位数字之和的差能被11整除,那么这个正整数能被11整除(不用同余 Don’t speak loudly .改为肯定祈使句.Don’t speak loudly .改为肯定祈使句.有关这方面的知识说一下, to know 和knowing有什么区别?请举例子 GROUPSMS REAL TEXT MESSAGES怎么样 红线,48,用knowing还是to know 这一幕感动了我 作文150字着一幕感动了我,150字! 这一幕令我感动作文自己亲身经历的,要真实! someone is waiting to have a ward with you知道的快说 英语短篇speak out your love的翻译谁有啊, speak softly love.求翻译,谢谢 请问,在高中英语必修五中We have really everything in common with America nowadays,except of course,language.except of I‘d like to go fishing with you,but I have a meeting____.If you don't go___A to attend,so do I B attending,so will I C attend ,neither will I D to attend,nor will I再加上讲解 英语单选题I'd like to play badminton with you,but I have an important meeting to attend.——I'd like to play badminton with you,but I have an important meeting to attend.——If you don't go,( ).A.neither do I B.so will I C.nor will I D.so do Can you help me with my business I'd like to ,____I have a meeting to attend .A as B but Pride,proud,selfish什么区别Pride,proud,selfish again .Pride,proud,selfish什么区别 Pride,proud,selfish again 求白居易 《早兴》的译文?早 兴 晨光出照屋梁明,初打开门鼓一声.犬上阶眠知地湿,鸟临窗语报天晴.半销宿酒头仍重,新脱冬衣体乍轻.睡觉心空思想尽,近来乡梦不多成.注意是这首诗.是译文… 包公是什么年代的人 on the edge of a forest=near the forest/in the forest和near the forest/in the forest哪个意思相近