
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:18:12


a: i'm so upset now..
b:why? Anything bad happened?
a:no,..it's just...college life is not like what i've pitcured. i con't get used to it. it was so much better in highschool. besides, i'm home sick right now.
b:come on. don't think about it that way! college life suppose to be so colorful! don't just stay here everyday. let's go outside and make new friends!
a:no, thanks. i think i better stay here and don't go and destroy other people's joy.
b:hey! don't you think it that way. people like you! our friends love you! come on, i show you somewhere you will be definitely interested in.
a:where? what place can draw my attention now?
b:the chess club. you love to play chess don't you? come on , there's a whole bunch of friends waiting for you!come on, move!
a:...all right. well i don't deny my passion on chess. by the way, thank you for being there for me. i'm feeling a lot better now.
b:that what's friends do , right? you are wellcome!

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