英语翻译1ads are found almost every _they are broadcast on tv and over the radio.2.most of these sarches have been done over the radio.请问这两个over在句子中怎么用的,不怎么理解.翻译两句话:1,你有事间吗,出来聊聊天

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:12:03
英语翻译1ads are found almost every _they are broadcast on tv and over the radio.2.most of these sarches have been done over the radio.请问这两个over在句子中怎么用的,不怎么理解.翻译两句话:1,你有事间吗,出来聊聊天

英语翻译1ads are found almost every _they are broadcast on tv and over the radio.2.most of these sarches have been done over the radio.请问这两个over在句子中怎么用的,不怎么理解.翻译两句话:1,你有事间吗,出来聊聊天
1ads are found almost every _they are broadcast on tv and over the radio.
2.most of these sarches have been done over the radio.

英语翻译1ads are found almost every _they are broadcast on tv and over the radio.2.most of these sarches have been done over the radio.请问这两个over在句子中怎么用的,不怎么理解.翻译两句话:1,你有事间吗,出来聊聊天
翻译 1.could you spare me some time to chat up?
2.Would you like to give me a hand to take an English name for me ?
over the radio 通过收音机.使用收音机.

A set phrase.Over can be explained as "through".
1.Would you do me a favor and spare me any time and have a chat with me?
2.Could you help me think of an English name?

over the radio 是固定说法, 就是通过收音机,就像TV要搭配on一样
1. Do you have any spare time to have a chat with me
2Can you help me think out a good English name?

请高手帮忙英语翻译啊Open today’s newspaper. What do you see? Ads! Turn on the TV. Still more ads! Everywhere you look, someone has something to sell.Here are some ways ads get us to buy.Some ads use famous people. Stars are paid to sell a 英语翻译1ads are found almost every _they are broadcast on tv and over the radio.2.most of these sarches have been done over the radio.请问这两个over在句子中怎么用的,不怎么理解.翻译两句话:1,你有事间吗,出来聊聊天 Many customers are easily ___ into buying a product through ads.Many customers are easily p___ into buying a product through ads. Open today’s newspaper.What do you see?Ads!Look through a magazine.More ads!Turn on the TV.Still more ads!Everywhere you look,someone has something to sell.Here are some ways ads get us to buy.Some ads use famous people.Stars are paid to sell a pro Some ads use famous people.Stars are paid to sell a product.翻译. If my life is a movie,then you are the pop-up ads. 英语翻译1.kids are becoming obese in record numbers 2.The more kids see Shaquille O’Neal wolf down a Whopper,the more desirable it begins to seem.3.TV exposes kids to an onslaught of ads for junk food. many ads are aimed------(special) at teenagers. 急求英语作文 AdvertisingQuestions for discussion: 1) Do you think ads are necessary or a nuisance? 2) Do you like watching or reading advertisements? Why or why not? 3) Do ads influence you (or people in general) in buying things? How? 4) Why It is ture that in the activities of business ads are playing a more and more important part 英语翻译Advertising:pros ahd cons In the modern world,advertising is everywhere!Some people think that ads are great.Others hate ads,saying that they make our cities and countryside look ugly.Many ads are aimed specifically at teenagers,and some 英语翻译In the modern world,advertising is everywhere.Some people think that ads are great.Others hate ads,saying that they make our cities and countryside look ugly.Many ads are aimed specifically at teenagers,and some young people see more than 英语翻译Advertising:pros and cons In the modern world,advertising is everywhere!Some people think that ads are great.Others hate ads,Saying that they make our cities and countryside look ugly.Many ads are aimed specifically at teenagers,and some many ads are aimed specially at teenagers ,and some ( )see more than 100 ads a day.A,women B men c young people D old people 句中aimed是什么词性呀. In the room ___ a big table and a great many chairs.A.they are found B.are found C.is found D.has been found 英语翻译Can a company compete with itself The key point here is the level of involvement of the target audience .If vehicle ads are aimed at people intending to buy a new car in the next two or three months ,then these people are likely to be hig 英语翻译A few isolated cases are found that the identified measuring equipment are not calibrated before use and then at defined frequency. 英语翻译Ever wonder why most guys in pants ads are standing up?这是为裤子做广告的一句广告语