
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:41:54
rt 里字的意思是什么 英语翻译作为从句~ 普京语录,有一句话帮我看看完整的是什么...就是:“我偶尔也会...,但我从不...”.这句话的完整版是什么? When a gun was pointing against your head,you should do __A.like you were told to B.as you were told to as 和like的区别? 英语选词填空怎么写 读完《冬夜读书示子聿》,后以你的解释回答,读书以后,为什么还要实践 -___ Mr James ___(forgive)you for your mistake?-Not yet. ————————初中化学题,求大家回答,谢谢大家了(╯>д 读冬夜读书示子聿,1、古人为什么要不遗余力,勤奋苦读?2、读书后,为什么还要亲自去实践呢? 卧室飘窗的高度和宽度一般是多少,怎么设计. 初中化学的简写初中我们可能接触到一些刚刚开始的英语缩写,我需要找人帮我总结所有的谢谢! 陈涉世家背诵段落有哪些 A lion is sitting on the back of an old elephant. i want to play the role of an elephant怎么读 A man with nothing to live for is capable of everything.如题 ,自己翻译,软件翻译出来的很不顺 . You'll always be a part of me.I'am part of you indefinitely you'll always bs a part of me.l'm part of youindefinitely.don't yournow youcan't escape me?翻译中 you are mine.handsomebaby!这句的中文是什么. 英语翻译If you are already a registered member,please sign in by entering your email address and password in the form below. One can not keep one's own private affairs too secret.翻译 翻译英语句子!I also remember my father taking his medicine and following the doctor’s common diet!什么意思 游褒禅山记中有什么好的句子 英语翻译请把“你能告诉我最使你担心的是什么吗?”这句话翻译为英文句式是'Can you tell me ________________________________.'你所做的可能会伤害别人翻译为英文,句式是“What you have done might __________ Who is Li Ping _ 李平正在等谁 冠词Who is ______better,Li Ping or Wang Dong?填the吗? li ping's computer is expenxive ,lin tao's computer is cheap.连成一句话(英文)知道的请告诉我 谢谢 关于虚拟语气的一些问题.除了as if ,if 之外,还有什么可以来引导虚拟语气呢?另外,个人比较不理解,为什么是"if i were you.","if she were deaf."呢?为什么不是was呢?明日12:30时截止。请细致的介绍虚 他注意到所有的座位都有人坐了.He observed all the seats ____.只有一个词. 关于英语虚拟语气的一些问题._____you were coming today ,I'd have met you at the railway station.A.Have I Known B.I have knownC.I had known D.Had I known我选的是C 按照虚拟语气的语法 表示过去式情况 从句If+had+过 2道高二英语选择8、The students are not accustomed to ________when studying.A、interrupting B、interrupt C、be interrupted D、being interrupted9、Mr.Wang′s daughter doesn_′t want to go to Thailand this summer because she went there __ 有关虚拟语气的问题..在百科上看到虚拟语气的一些其他用法,“表示过去事实相反的愿望,谓语动词:had+v-ed”.可例句却是 :I wish I had known the truth of the matter.我希望我原来知道这件事的真相.