
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 02:56:29
i think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else这句话我是从新概念第二册的26课复制下来的,我不太明白的appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else.整句话是一个复合句,主语i t -who gave you this message?-A man ( )himself Mr.Wang .为什么是calling 不是calledcalled不能认为是时态上的过去时吗 相对于gave -Who gave you this message?-A man ___himself Mr.wang 为啥calling不是-ed呢是ing表伴随吗-ed啥时候伴 抗遗忘英语单词速记连个公司都没有也敢买,我找了很久都找不到公司,肯定是皮包公司,谁都在卖这样的书,垃圾!北京目标教育研究中心? A man __himself Tom asked you to go for a hoilday.为什么用calling 而不是called?那a man called 抗遗忘英语单词速记是否好使?,用过的近来说说我在英语周报上看见,说":30小时速记3000单词的 抗遗忘英语单词速记有人使过吗 说说是不是真的那么管用啊?报上还说 举个例子记单词:sport 运 journal of business venturing中文名字是什么 抗遗忘英语单词速记法 American Academy of Pediatrics是什么意思 抗遗忘英语单词速记在那可以下到全套的?给孩子看、拜托啦孩子记单词总是记不住、我快急死了、谁可以帮帮忙?拜托大家了~ -who would you like to see me at the moment?-the man _C_Mr N,A called himself B we call him C calling himself D is called 我选的D,为什么是calling himself?calling不是被动么? -Who would like to see me at the moment?-The man _____ Mr Nelson.-Who would like to see me at the moment?-The man _____ Mr Nelson.A called himself B we call him C calling himself D is called 为什么选c用现在分词? Who would like to see me at the moment?回答The man_______ Mr Nelson.选项在下面:-Who would like to see me at the moment?-The man _____ Mr Nelson.A called himself B we call him C calling himself D is called 应该选哪个? S.M.THE BALLAD HOT TIME和 MISS YOU的MP3链接, 用long long ago,house,forest,garden编写故事,词数不少于30用long long ago,house,forest,garden编写故事,词数不少于30个 用long long ago ,forest,flower,garden写一篇故事不少于30个词 有什么可以快速记忆英语单词,又不易忘? 用 have.in common和 for this reason造句, 如何利用废纸 英语翻译想知道的语言点:1—make a reservation :预订一个房间.这里表示预订一个场地吧.2—make up all the organization :这里make up 怎么翻译3—as early as a week 怎么翻译4—go well with the place you rent skates/skating on real ice is very exciting.kates和skating 要哪一个啊?为什么? there are plenty of money 还是there is plenty of money?这里的谓语动词根据什么定?是money吗? 提单上consignee:to the order of bank tejarat,那么发票和箱单上的consignee该如何写?提单上consignee:to the order of bank tejarat,那么发票和箱单上的consignee该写to the order of bank tejarat,还是开证申请人呢? 他捐了很多钱来修路.He ___ ___ plenty of money to build the road. I like to make snowmen.改为一般疑问句 You can't skate on the ice.It's too t___. 初恋是雾,你是雾中的玫瑰,隔着青纱看你,叫我心碎.求正确回答 have been v+ed / have v+ed 的区别 I don’t expect no doctor could have done no better.这句话好难理解, l can't find enough time to do the things l want to do同义句l can’t find enough time to do--- --- Let the guests _____(have) a cup of orange juice. you are a bottom of juice,sweet,but not the cup of my coffe.you are a bottom of juice, sweet, but not the cup of my coffe.以上是我一个朋友发给我的,请问是什么意思.我喜欢这个人,他是给我答复的话,请大虾帮我解释清