
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 04:18:38
英语:opposite的用法问题:我们知道opposite可以做prep.但在be opposite against sb.这句中其显然不是prep.,作为prep时的opposite是地理位置上的相反的.,那么如果表示与某人意见不一致,是否就要用be oppos 通讯与消息的区别 从时效性,内容,篇幅,表达方式,语言上分析 新闻具有三个特点:____________、时效性、____________ MY MO THER IS A TEACHER. 改为疑问句 ------------------MOTHER A TEACHER? ---------------该填什么求大家快一点 人在 谁快谁就是最佳 我要一篇英语演讲稿(4人对话或3人对话)关于环境保护的,不要太多,适合初3的就行了.紧急! 有没有关于人生的演讲稿 字不要太多 50到100就行! 找出错误,并订正在横线上.1:I cleaning the house now._______2:He is listen to me.______3:He is writeing.______4:Let Jane goes to the movies.______5:They are runing._____6:What're your friend doing?7:The kids in our class are singing very g Tony\'s mother is an English teacher.改为一般疑问句 占有你十秒钟!English:找出错误的选项,并在横线上订正.They usually write their homework at home._______ It was f____ y_____ morning .But today there will be rain and wind横线上应填什么呢? 为下列成语故事寻找主要人物.南柯一梦( )东施效颦( )破釜沉舟( )江郎才尽( )七步成章( )多多益善( )万事俱备,只欠东风( )不入虎穴,焉得虎子( ) 下面每道题都有一处错误,你能找出错误的一项并在横线上订正吗?1.She's fater than the other girls.2.The museum is in the left of me.3.My school is three kilometer away from my home.4.I can get to home by car. It kept raining until this morning同义句改写 The rain___ ___until this morning.对的人加20财富值 英语句子找错误,并订正句子:1.Pat always wash the dishes 2.john sometimes water the plants 3.Dad often sweep the floor 4.Tom sometimes sweep the floor 5.Mum always clean the table A riddle:I have cities but no houses,forests but no trees,rivers without water.What am It has cities but no houses;forests but no trees;rivers without water.What is it?上面是一道谜语. I have cities but no houses,forests but no tress,rivers without water.What am _______,CAN YOU HELP ME? my mother teacher chinese in a middle scheel 改为一般疑问句 初二英语(单句改错,那个单词有错,把有错的和改正确的都写出来)( )1.Do you think she have a healthy lifestle?( )2.He wants flying kites with his brother ( ) 3.The old man has a lot of money and he is 英语:按要求写出所给单词的适当形式,单句改错.(会写哪个写哪个)1.popular(比较级)2.outging(反义词)3.nice(比较级)4.John’s homework is much more that Jim.(只有一处错误,指出并改正)5.This 英语句子改错,请问下面句子有没有错,如果有请改一下,但只能改一个单词,he was walking to school the other day when he let a bicycle ran right into him请问是为什么 英文句子改错c.找出多了的或者少了的那个单词 作文青春的脚步求作文一篇:青春的脚步 题目是"青春的脚步"800字左右..高一的作文..谁给个范文 我实在是不会写.找个作文 改改.. 作文 青春的脚步 该往哪一方面去写?可以写为祖国效力的那种么?以 青春的脚步 为话题的作文 Our coach ____(leave) at three this afternoon.Can you drive us to the station? 世界上最小的海——马尔马拉海和我国太湖的面积共有13400平方千米,马尔马拉海的 去餐馆吃饭的英文怎么说? 同学们在食堂吃饭.英文怎么说 一个圆柱形储水池,底面周长是18.84m,深2m,这个储水池的容积是多少? 一个圆柱形储水池,底面周长是18.84cm,深2m,这个储水池的容积是多少?写错了,单位都是m the number of the teachers in our college _____greatly increased this termA)is B)hasc)are d)have为什么不能选A请再翻译一下