
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:03:59
英语作文;:如何做好世园会的自愿者 Don’t all speak at once!_________,please .A.Each at one time B.One by one time C.One for eachb的one by one是一个一个的 为什么不对D.One at a time don't all speak at once!_please.A.Each at one timeB.One by one timeC.One for each tineD.One at a time是D,但是C为什么不对关键是C为什么不对。。。 I went to school by bike this morning.这句话有没有错啊 Don't all speak at once ________,please.(1994)A.Each at one timeB.One by one timeC.One for each tineD.One at a time说明原因 英语3.Don’t all speak at once!________,please.3.Don’t all speak at once!________,please.a.Each at one time b.One by one time c.One for each time d.One at a time为什么 don`t all speak at once,one at a time.啥意思? I got up early this morning改为否定句 He went to school by bike yesterday改为一般疑问句 He( ) to school ( ) bike this morning A.go;by B.went;on C.went;by D.go;on 请问以上应该选哪个?请高手帮我解答下,并告诉我下为什么,谢谢了 The Browns held _____ they called"family day"once each year.为什么这里不可以用which和that呢 As soon as they ___(get)to the hotel,they held a meeting at once.这道用所给词的正确形式填空中为什么不用had got,而用got呢,是因为后半句的at once 可as soon as 不是暗含时间先后么? They go to the park once a year (用once a year 提问) (对划线部分提问) They go to the seaside once a year.(划线部分 once a year) 有没有初一上下和初二上册的文言文课文和译文只要原文和译文就可以.期待ing~ 初二上册古诗文原文人教版初二上册古诗文:望月,春望,石 土+豪 史,归园田居,使至塞上渡.门送别,登岳阳楼, 初一上册的的文言文原文 谁有新概念第一册课件啊 ppt的 可以发我邮箱492218708@163.com 谢啦!492218708@qq.com 写错了刚才 谢啦 跪求小学一年级数学《连减》说课稿PPT ,和连减教学课件,越漂亮越好! 邮箱:wangjieyx123@163.com 1.This flower is ______.2.What colour are your pants?It's ________3.It's 8:00 .It;s time _______ class.4.There are 60 munutes in an __________5.Can I have a cup of tea?__ you are! 现在的四级怎样才算过?现在的四级总分过了算及格吗?我听说四级中听力和写作必须要过,不然即使总分过了也不算过及格的.这是不是真的啊? 求生物芯片技术的PPT或者课件发送到545587363@163. 谁能帮我做份大学英语ppt课件,内容不限,里面有短的小对话就好了 麻烦发到maoer54@163.com 初二需要背的古文 初一、初二、初三语文(人教版)要背的古文文言文、白话文都要啦~~~~~ 等咱们中国强大了,全叫老外考中文四六级!文言文太简单,全用毛笔答题,这是便宜他们惹急了,一人一把刀一个龟壳,刻甲骨文!论文题目就叫:论三个代表!到了考听力的时候全用周杰伦的歌,《 初一初二所有古文从“童趣”开始到“满井游记” 等中国强大了,全叫老外考中文四六级! 初一至初二的文言文都要~~我要~ I prefer to stay here rather than _____with him.A .go B to go C .went D going She preferred to sew rather than to knit为什么prefer加edHe preferred rather to take the whole blame himself than to allow it to fall on the innocent为什么prefer加ed也一样的道理吗 海陵中学英语口语竞赛中最后唱的那首歌叫什么急 get sb to do sth 和get sb doing sth 有什么区别?