
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:09:11
高中分科吗 高中要分科吗? 高中怎么选科? It could not be bought in shops and even those people who could afford to have it sent from Holland did so only because it was a fashionable curiosity.不懂.全文如下:Tea drinking was common in China for nearly one thousand years before anyone in 实像指从物体发出的光线,经过光具后实际的光线_________所成的像__________用底片感光;虚像是从物体发出的光线经过光具后,实际光线没有_______而是________的光线的反向延长线的交点会聚而 英语 dDDD提出话在正确年长的祈使句 Put the words in thecorrect order to make imperative sentences.1.the 2nd shelf/put/please/on/the book2.this article/add/to/four lines3.put/don't/the camera/the third drawer/in4.not/Alice/forget to buy/d 我的英语不太好 老公会怎样?dddd我23,老公24,我们恋爱好几年,结婚一年多,孩子几个月了,我对老公一直很好!婚前我们恋爱几年后老公认识了一个未婚女孩,认识没有几天他们就恋爱,而且那时候老公隐瞒他有女 The man provided the poor family ____ ten tousand yuan last year.A.for B.at C.to D.with 实像是实际光线会聚形成的,虚像是什么的焦点?如题 wish you a wonderful future 句式是否正确,怎样翻译 Can you l_____ a message on her desk? --Don't worry.I’ll leave the message on his desk.-- _____________ .It doesn't matter That's all fightThank goodness It is kind of you-Will you please give the note to him?-- ______________ .Certainly,I'll give it to him No,please notSorry.I don't Y 连词成语1.leave a message,on,desk,I'll,his 2.very,of,kind,It's,you,help,to,us 英语翻译 如果连自尊都已经不再需要 这个世界什么爱你买不到 谁能给我解释下这句话的意思? =TODAY() EXCEL表格公式 什么意思? tom and john are in class five变一般疑问句 ___does he do?he is a doctor .a.who b.___does he do?he is a doctor .a.who b.whom c.what 用哪个,为什么what错了 A v-----is a kind of doctor who heips animals 为什么有的音标在单词里不发音 =IF(ABS(TEXT(TODAY(),"m")-LEFT(A5))>6,TEXT(CONCATENATE(TEXT(TODAY(),"yyyy")+1,"-",LEFT(A5),"麻烦帮忙看看这个函数哪里有问题,得出来的结果不令人满意;不仅如此选择5月12日13日14日都是星期天.29日是礼拜一,这 =DATEDIF(TEXT(SUBSTITUTE(2007.10,".","-"),"yyyy-mm"),TODAY(),"y") “一只燕子的来临说明不了春天,但当一群大雁冲破了三月的雾霭时,春天就到了”运用了什么修辞方法应该不是对比就是夸张吧 This is a fat boy. 怎么改为否定句 that fat boy is A.35m B.35cm C.35kg 虚像是由反射光线或折射光线的什么会聚而成 虚像是由实际光线----而成的像. 佳人和伊人有什么不同在诗词上经常看到写佳人和伊人的,这两个次有什么不同? 虚像:不是由______实际会聚而成的,______上得不到的像. 虚像不是由实际光线会聚成的,而是实际光线的什么?虚像不是由实际光线会聚成的,而是实际光线的( )相交而成的,只能用眼看到,能不能用光屏承接? 凡尘尽染佳人念,别离泪沾伊人面.这几句我自己写的,是否能帮我改改.其中凡尘,佳人,别离是不能改的.