来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:30:07
Neither of us like music.的意思 下面六个词语中的动词大多不能互换,担忧一个字可以替代这些动词.撑伞 捕鱼 砍柴 买油 提水 捆包 这个字是( ) 上面一个草字头下面是个(到) 读什么字? well known,wellknown和well-known的区别如题 和判断非谓语和独立主格有关吧the first textbooks( )for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century选项 A having written B to be written C being written D written填written 我想问 written不是非谓语吧?as 2个月内达到新托福61分 要怎么突击啊~~现在英语水平不高 四级可能都有点困难 独立主格结构中,非谓语与主句顺序能否相反 关于独立主格和非谓语1.There being no bus,we had to walk.2.Would you mind my opening the window?(顺便问一下 Would you mind me opening the window?有没有这句话?) 3.The girl stairing at him,he didn't know what to do.4.He suggested ou well- known 的同义词是什么 能举出个关于well known的例句吗 A large number of students in my class___surfing the Internet now.A.liked B.liking D.likes怎么选呢 ()students like singing the song A number of B a number of C thenumber of A number of girls___to buy these B.likes like D.liking famous和well-known的区别. world famous=well known?是不是? be famous for ,be famous as 和well-known之间有什么关系 什么叫非谓语形式 famous的同义词well-known,为什么有横杠呢?还有known,know后面还有一个n呢 什么叫非谓语形式(详细)急 非谓语结构是哪三个? 以“建国60周年,向国献礼”为题写一篇800字的作文高分高高高~不要直接写在这,发消息给我,最好要自己写的最好别的地方没有的.虽然要求多了点但会给高分的谢谢!给我发短信要在下面问题 求大神讲解非谓语的用法 非谓语,一道关于require的用法的选择题,非谓语,一道关于require的用法的选择题,The Whole place requires be be cleaningc.being clean我选B,大家帮我看看, 请问这几句中的非谓语的用法对于非谓语一直都是个头疼的问题.谁能告诉我这几句中非谓语的用法1.Looking at the pictures,I couldn’t help thinking of my childhood.2.Seeing from the top of the hill,I have a good vie 非谓语形式的用法I have just received a letter from my old school,informing me that my former headmaster,Mr.Stuart Page,will be retiring next week.我想把informing me that 换成是 informed that my former headmaster,Mr.Stuart Page,will be r 帮忙翻译一句话 英语的,并希望分析一下句法he shielded me by claiming that he broke the window. w开头单词的动词的过去式 (名词专题)改成复数形式 六年级句子专项复习题 一、把下面的句子补充完整.(1)他在座谈会上( )自己的意见.(2)今天是( )(3)( )是世界著名的音乐之都.(4)大家都积极地参加( ).(5)1946年人们( ) GRE到底是什么?和托福有什么区别?大神们帮帮忙 sit do you want coffe,tea,or me?什么意思... Tom:How do you do?Kate:_ _ _ _(四个单词) Tom:please sit down.Kate:_ _ _ _(四个单词) I'm tired.Why do you sit down?怎么改