
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:12:55
what are the major legal systems in the world today 隗 做姓氏 是念kuí还是念wěi 还是两个读音都有? “周”这个姓,在英语里用汉语拼音怎么写?我填写英文文件,不用英语名字,而是用汉语拼音.如:我叫周建国,我是应该写成Jianguo Zhou?还是Jianguo Chou?还是Jianguo Chow?还是Jianguo Chau? 大家能给我帮帮忙吗,把百家姓的每一个字注上拼音并加声调.急用啊,谢谢各位啦 what's the matter,nancy?中文是什么意思 business表“事情”时,有复数吗若有,怎么写 what's the matter, judy?中文是什么意思 What is the matter的中文是什么 it is to go for a picnic on such a fine day A.what a fun B.what fun C.how funny D.how a fun不是fun不可数码详情 ___it is to go for a picnic on such a fine day! 为什么不能用How funny? .____ it is to go for a picnic on such a find day!A .What a funB.What funC.How funD.How a fun选B Homely animal翻译为家养动物对吗 人类应当把动物当作朋友.翻译成英语 man should —— animals —— his friends 首字母填空1 When I walked p( ) his house,I saw him o( ) his birthday with his friends. 根据句意及首字母填空 The news of failure s___ all of his friends.如题,急 现在的季节日出几时出来!现在的季节应该是日出几时出来的? A friend of his p_____.请问填什么啊? send for a doctor quickly,the man___.A.willsend for a doctor quickly,the man___.A.will die B.dies C.died D.is dying send for the doctor send for a doctor是什么意思 适当形式填空Last week ,my friend,Yang Ming _ [work]hard and finished _[work] at 12:00.快Mike looks _ at his penfriend.A.happy B.happilyC.sadD.angry A kangaroo has a pouch.改为一般疑问句是什么 after walking continuously for hours,we were glad to take _____ restA. a few minute's B. a few minutes'C. a little minutes D. a little minutes's我该选什么,求解释 panel Q&A的英文意思是什么呢? These finalists, all manufacturers, were then visited by the competition judges, a panel of four chief executives from leading companies.a panel of在这里是什么意思呢?整句话的意思是? Premier League是什么意思 Jim did well in swimming when he was young.改为否定句 Barclays Premier League是什么意思 Premier league Asia Trophy 是什么? to be strong is to be happy "to be strong is to be happy " 这句话翻译成谚语,thanks very much Blue Square Premier League什么意思? i think a blue suit is ---(suit) for your dinner party